Bed bugs are some of the most notorious pests in Orlando and throughout the country, and you've likely heard about how disgusting these creatures can be. These parasitic pests don't live on humans, but they do bite us in order to get a blood meal. They wait until we fall asleep and know this by sending the breath, heat, and carbon dioxide we let off, and because they don't have to eat very often to survive, bed bugs in Orlando can live in nearly any kind of home or business. Because no one wants to have these invasive pests around, this guide is here to teach you about effective bed bug control.

How You Pick Up Bed Bugs In Orlando
Bed bugs are some of the most difficult pests to prevent and control, largely because of how they get around. Bed bugs are like pest stowaways that grab rides on luggage or other items people carry with them. They are only about the size of an apple seed and can fit into the seams of many things. You likely won't even notice they are there until the infestation has been established on your property for a while.
The other issue is that you can pick up bed bugs almost anywhere. They can be in homes, schools, laundromats, public transportation hubs, hospitals, and hotels. While they do prefer areas that have bedding, they can survive in buildings that don't have beds at all.
How To Prevent Bed Bugs Infestations In Your Orlando Home
Bed bug control is tricky because of how widespread these pests are and because of their small size. But, there are a few things you can do to try and avoid picking them up while traveling or out and about, such as:
- Avoid setting down your luggage and other bags as much as possible.
- If you're in a hotel or other shared room, make sure to check for signs of bed bugs such as smear marks and bloodstains. Also, look for them in the seams of mattresses and other furniture.
- When using laundromats and other shared laundry facilities, keep your clothes in plastic bags.
What Is The Best Home Remedy To Repel Bed Bugs In Orlando?
Bed bugs are tricky pests to repel using DIY methods. The best thing to do is wash and dry items on high heat settings, especially if you've recently been traveling. Bed bugs can spread throughout a home. They can live in hotels within walls and even the openings of electrical outlets. Because of this, it's nearly impossible to find them all in order to eradicate them with home remedies.
The only truly effective way to remove bed bugs is with residential pest control from the experts. Luckily, the team at Green Flag Services is here to assist you.
A Practical Solution To Bed Bug Infestations In Orlando
Bed bugs are definitely disgusting. They leave behind tiny bite marks, and knowing they are inside your home can make it impossible to find peace. If you are dealing with a bed bug problem, contact the residential pest control pros at Green Flag Services. Trying to remove these invasive creatures on your own rarely works, and you'll just end up wasting time and money.
Instead, give us a call today to set up a bed bug inspection or to learn more about options.
Tags: bed bug control | bed bug prevention | bed bugs in orlando |
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I've been with Green Flag for a few years. Important to me was pet safe pest control, which they provide. They have always been extremely responsive to our needs, followed up with our satisfaction and offered increased services to make sure the job is done right. All of the techs have been professional and friendly and I am glad I found them. I always recommend if someone is looking.
Brian , Florida