Does Wearing A Face Mask Keep The Orlando Mosquitoes At Bay


Mosquitoes in Orlando can be a headache to deal with on your own. Hosing yourself and your children down with a chemical repellant spray can be more work than needed, and a lot of times, it's just greasy and ineffective. While there are a lot of products you can buy at the store to prevent mosquitoes, they're not the most optimal of choices when in Orlando weather. 

You won't find the best way to control mosquitoes in a three-foot-wide range repellant candle, that's for sure. Contact our Orlando pest control company at Green Flag Services today for a solid pest-free guarantee!

large mosquito at sunset

Does Wearing A Face Mask Protect Against Mosquitoes

When looking for ways to kill mosquitoes or at least keep mosquitoes off of you, a face mask will not do anything. Face masks are only effective when dealing with an airborne problem. While mosquitoes can fly, there is little chance that you will accidentally inhale one. If mosquitoes could transmit the disease they spread by secreting those pathogens as they're flying around, then you would need a face mask to protect yourself from them. 

Mosquitoes, however, operate solely on a contact level. They will bite you and spit into the wound they inflicted, and the spit causes painful itching. Mosquitoes will then suck your blood to provide nutrients to their unborn eggs before spawning them around your yard.

Why Mosquitoes Around Your Home Is A Big Problem

There are over a thousand types of mosquitoes flying worldwide, and they all can harm you. Mosquitoes love and thus thrive in hot, humid climates, so Orlando is almost like a haven to them during the summer months. One type of mosquito, in particular, the Asian tiger mosquito, is very prevalent in the area. 

These mosquitoes are very active and aggressive. As such, they attack more people than most. This can mean that you have a higher risk of being infected with something because of how many people this one particular mosquito could have attacked in a short amount of time. When mosquitoes show up around your home, you should always try to eliminate them for your protection. 

How Mosquitoes Spread Malaria & Other Dangerous Diseases

Mosquitoes spread their afflictions by blood contact from their bites. Every time a mosquito bites you, you could catch an illness. These diseases can have severe and negative effects on your health. Here are a couple of the more dangerous diseases mosquitoes can cause:

  • Chikungunya
  • West Nile 
  • Zika
  • Eastern equine encephalitis

Mosquitoes can also attack and infect your pets just the same as they could to you, but your pets can't swat them away. Dogs, in particular, can be infected with various parasites, such as heartworms and tapeworms. 

How Do You Control The Mosquito Population In Your Back Yard?

If you want to learn better ways to get rid of mosquitoes, you're in luck! Our team at Green Flag Services can provide you with effective and efficient service that will rid your home of mosquitoes and keep them away. It will be as if you're in a world without mosquitoes when our team, with over 126 years of experience, gets to work for you. 

At Green Flag Services, we take pride in our work and the high-quality eco-friendly products we use to do it. Our services at Green Flag Services cover many different pest problems and locations. We even offer same-day and emergency services if you're really in need of aid. Give us a ring at Green Flag Services today to schedule an inspection and learn more about your options with our team.

Tags: mosquito prevention | mosquito information | mosquito diseases |

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